Continuing to be
committed to community


Tanya Taylor
Mayor of Willoughby

Your passionate, proactive, and practical representative for Willoughby

“As a Willoughby resident for over 20 years, I am extremely honoured and privileged to serve our wonderful community as Mayor. I am committed to creating a renewed, diverse, connected, sustainable, and thriving community.  Because community matters.  There’s still more to be done.  That’s why I’m asking for you to continue supporting me as your Mayor at the local government election on Saturday 14 September.”.



When I was elected by the community as Mayor of Willoughby Council in December 2021, community matters were at the heart of my campaign and remain my inspiration and drive to make Willoughby vibrant, inclusive and sustainable. 

I am proud to have led the Council in adapting our services and supporting the community during challenging economic times. Collaborating to achieve many positive outcomes, including: 

  • Improved parking and pedestrian safety around schools and villages 

  • New walking and cycling routes 

  • Reinvigorated playgrounds and sport and recreation facilities 

  • Building social connections through events, activities and facilities 

  • Supporting local businesses through new economic strategies 

I remain a passionate supporter of our vibrant visual and performing arts scene, facilitating access and inclusion, and celebrating and supporting multiculturalism.   
I have been a confident spokesperson, positioning Willoughby as a Council committed to sustainable development, addressing State Parliament with our community concerns, and speaking out on hard topics such as increasing housing capacity in local areas.  
Willoughby is my home, and I love living here. My children were born here, attended local schools, and participated in local sports groups and community organisations.  My husband has operated our small family business in Willoughby for over twenty years.  And I continue to be an active community member through volunteering and not-for-profit board roles. 

Drawing on my experience as Mayor and my recently completed Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Community Development, I am committed to continuing to make Willoughby a connected, sustainable and vibrant community.  I am focused on our future and still believe that community matters the most.   

Yours in Community, 
Mayor Tanya